District Dindigul covers Pin Code 624316
District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 624316
State.Name | District.Name | Sub.District.Name | CD.Block.Name | Houses | Area.in.Hectares | Population | Female | Male | SC | ST |
Tamil Nadu | Dindigul | Dindigul | Shanarpatti | 1409 | 1207.7 | 5594 | 2773 | 2821 | 1124 | 0 |
District's Literacy, Gender Ratio, SC, ST, population etc (Census 2011)
District | Total.Popu | Urban.pct | Age.0_6 | Growth.Rate | Sex.Ratio | SC | ST | Literacy | F.Ltrcy | M.Ltrcy | Area.Sq.KM |
DINDIGUL | 2161367 | 37.36 | 199926.5 | 12.39 | 998 | 20.95 | 0.37 | 76.85 | 68.82 | 84.91 | 6036 |
Villages within Pincode 624316 (Census 2011)
Village.Name | Gram.Panchayat.Name | Nearest.Town.Name | Sub.District.Head.Quarter..Name. | Sub.District.Head.Quarter..Distance.in.km. | District.Head.Quarter..Distance.in.km. | Nearest.Statutory.Town..Name. | Nearest.Statutory.Town..Distance.in.km. | Total.Population.of.Village | Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Pre.Primary.School..Nursery.LKG.UKG. | Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Middle.School. | Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Secondary.School. | Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Senior.Secondary.School. | Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Arts.and.Science.Degree.College. | Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Engineering.College. | Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Medicine.College. | Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Management.Institute. | Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Private.School.For.Disabled. | Agricultural.Commodities..First. |
Rajakkapatti | Rajakkapatti | DINDIGUL | DINDIGUL | 10 | 10 | DINDIGUL | 10 | 5594 | NA | NA | KOVILUR | KOVILUR | DINDIGUL | DINDIGUL | MADURAI | DINDIGUL | DINDIGUL | PADDY |
Religion Profile (Census 2011)
Sub-District – Percentage (%)
Settlement | Persons | Male | Female |
Total | 100.00 | 49.93 | 50.07 |
Hindu | 78.62 | 39.38 | 39.23 |
Muslim | 6.20 | 3.10 | 3.10 |
Christian | 15.00 | 7.36 | 7.63 |
Sikh | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
Buddhist | 0.02 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
Jain | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Other | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Not Stated | 0.14 | 0.07 | 0.08 |
Railway Service
Main Railway Station within Pin Code 624316 & nearby Rail Stations (As of 2017)
Missing Data
Main Railway Station within Pin Code 624316 (As of 2017)
Missing Data
Postal Service
Post Offices within Pin Code 624316 (As of 2017)
Village.Locality.name | Officename | Pincode | Sub.distname | Districtname | StateName |
chinnalapatti | Chinnalapatti S.O | 624301 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kilakottai | Chinnalapatti S.O | 624301 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ambathurai | Chettiapatti B.O | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ambathurai | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
A.Ramanathapuram | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Boothampatti | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
CHETTIAPATTI BO | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kathiripatti | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Rangasamypuram | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
RSV Nagar | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
A.NADUPATTI BO | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
AMBATHURAI BO | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ambathurai Railway Station | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Indirapuram | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kallupatti | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kollapatti | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
KPT Nagar | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Muthanampatti | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
PERUMALKOILPATTI | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ambathurai | Ambathurai R.S S.O | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ellapatti | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Gandhiji weavs Colony | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kendichampatti | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Perumal Koil Patti | Perumalkoilpatti B.O | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Valayapatti | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
A.Kurumbapatti | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
A.NADUPATTI BO | A.Nadupatti B.O | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kalamagal Colony | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Thoppampatti | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Thumayagoundampatti | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vinagapuram | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ilayal war Nagar | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Jothigounderpatti | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Murugampatti | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Rajiv Gandhi Nagar | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
SAMIYARPATTI BO | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Velakannipuram | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ambathurai | Ambathurai B.O | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ambathurai | Samiyarpatti B.O | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Anumar Koil | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ernagampatti | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ramarajapuram | A.Nadupatti B.O | 624302 | Nilakkottai | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
RMTC Nagar | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
UK Patti | Gandhigram S.O (Dindigul) | 624302 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
A.V.S.Nagar | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Anna Nagar | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Chettiyar Street | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kaliamman Street | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kalikkampatti | Kalikkampatti B.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
MUNNILAIKOTTAI BO | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Pattlamman Koil Street | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Pillayar Koil Theru | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ramachandra Nagar | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Settiyapatti Pirivu | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
vasantahnnagar | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vadakku theru Palyakoiltheru | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Asari Street | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Naidu Street | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
SC Colony | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Sister Cottage | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Annainagar | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Antoniar Street | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ariyanallur-munnlaikottai Road | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
K.P.S.Nagar | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kottai Theru | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Mariamman Koil Theru | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Panjanpatti (N) | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Transport Nagar | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vadakkumettupatti Colony | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Varatharajapuram | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Veeakkal Pirivu | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
ALAMARATHUPATTI BO | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ariyanallur road | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Athupatti Pirivu | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Chelladuraikalavasal | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Govindapuram | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Mettupatti | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Michaelpatti | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Old Vakkampatti | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Renganathapuram | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Rethinagiri | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Rojanagar | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Shanthinagar | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kallukadai | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Koothampatti | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kurumbapatti | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
MGR Nagar | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Munnilaikottairoad | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Munnilakottai | Munnilakottai B.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Nadutheru PC Pandikalavasal | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Sarojininagar | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vakkampatti | Vakkampatti B.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Virakkal | Veerakkal B.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Alamarathupatti | Alamarathupatti B.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Chettiar Street | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kumaran Colony | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Mahatma Nagar | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
SC Ambethkar Colony | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vijay Institute Of Management | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Athupatti Jaine Nursing College | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Indira Colony Street | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
KALIKKAMPAATTI BO | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Mariamman Koil Street | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Muslim Theru | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Panchyat Union School | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Indira Colony | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kamathenu Dairy Furm | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kulunthalamman Dairy Furm | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Nadutheru | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Panchyat Union School Street | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Royalcity | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vadakkumettupatti Thottanagar | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
VAKKAMPATTI BO | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vakkampatti Convent | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
VEERAKKAL BO | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Yesupalayam | N.Panjampatti S.O | 624303 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Annanagar | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Aranmanaiyur | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ayyanar Nagar | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Divine Nagar | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kalathu Kottangal Houses | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
KONAPPATTI BO | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kottaipatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Moorimeenatchipuram | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ottankulam | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Perumalpuram | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Poochammal Kottam | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Sadain Kalam | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
ST.Josephs BED College | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Therku Kottam | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vadipatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Velampatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Virasinnampatti | Kolinjipatti B.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Avilipatti | Avilipatti B.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Goundenputhur | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Govt Hospital | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kalathupatti West | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kalkulam | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kodirajapuram | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
KOLUNJIPATTI BO | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Samair Thoppu | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Sattakaranpatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Semmadaipatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Shaik Ismalpuram | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
T.PANJAMPATTI BO | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
VADAKATTUPATTI BO | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Virasinnampatti | Kosavapatti B.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Yellathottam | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Antoniyar Puram | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Church Street | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Emakkalapuram | Emakkalapuram B.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Gandhi Nagar | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Goundarthottam | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Karuppudayanpatti Colony | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Nathamodaipatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
North Kottapatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Pillayar lkoilpatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Pungambadi | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
RAGALAPURAM BO | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
SC Colony | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Tavasimadai | Thavasimadai B.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
THAVASIMADAI BO | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
VEERASINNAMPATTI BO | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
AVILIPATTI BO | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Chinnaiya Goundenpudur | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Indira Nagar | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kattankulam | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kavarain Kulam | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kolunjipatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
KOSAVAPATTI BO | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Manjanaickenpatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Nayakkar Street | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ramenchettipatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Samathuvapuram | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
ST.Antony HSSchool | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
MARUNUTHU BO | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Padukkaithottam | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Perumayur | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Saravanapudur | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Uthiraatha Street | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vajraservaikarankottai | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Chinna Kolunjipatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Deivendrapuram East | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ellaithottam | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
EMAKKALAPURAM BO | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Gandhinagar | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kailasampatti Colony | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kannamanur | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Maranuthu | Marunoothu B.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Parathesi Goundenpatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Poothakulam | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
sanarpatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Bala Keni Thottam | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Bommaiya Goundenpatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ganeshapuram | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kailasampatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kalathu Kottangal | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Karupampatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Panjampatti (T) | T.Panjampatti B.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Perumalkoilpatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ragalapuram | Ragalapuram B.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ramalingampatti Colony | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Singanchettipatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vadugapatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Andivadanchettiyur | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ayyanar Koil | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Chollalingapuram | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Erukkalmalai R.F. | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Karupudayanpatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Konapatti | Konapatti B.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kondenchettipatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Parathesipatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Puliampatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vadakattupatti | Vadakattupatti B.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Viralipatti | Sanarpatti S.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Virasinnampatti | Veerasinnnampatti B.O | 624304 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Anna Nagar | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Bala Goundanpatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
CO-OP Bank | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Lakshminaickenpatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Nehruji Metrc School | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
RAJAKKAPATTY BO | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Scout Centre | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Thirupuram | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
V.S.K.Pudupatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Valasupatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
West Medu | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Anaikulam Pudur | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Aruvankadu | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Avarampatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Fish Form | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Karuppa Koilpatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
KATTUPATTI BO | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kavanthottam | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kothampatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Madur | Madur B.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Markkampatti | Markampatti B.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Meenachipuram | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
R.C.Church | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Sebastiar Palayam | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Seelamarathunaickanur | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Sengurichi | Sengurichi B.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Siluvathur | Kattupatti B.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Siluvathur | V.S.K.Kurumbapatti B.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
V A O .Office | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
V.T.T.Institute | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vathilathoppampatti | Vaithilathoppampatti B.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Anganvadi | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Antoniyar Palayam | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Chinnampatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
EB S,S | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Jeeva Nagar | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Mettupatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Muthandipatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ration Kadai | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Sakhinaickenpatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Siluvathur | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Thiru puram | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Tourisumcentre | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
VATHILA THOPPAMPATTI BO | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Higher Sec School | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kamatchipuram | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kosavan pudur | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
MARKKAMPATTI BO | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
North Medu | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ponnam Patti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Poosaripatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Sastha Agro Exports | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Semettupatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Thirumalaikeni | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Valasu | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vaniyaparaipatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Andiapatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ariya Koil Patti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Central Bank | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kalarampatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kallvpatty | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kurumbapatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
MADUR BO | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Mamarathupatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Pillamanaickenpatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Pudupatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Puliampatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
SENGURUCHI BO | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Theivendrapuram | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Alagunatchipuram | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Alampatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ambal Koil | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
CSI Church | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ellapatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Jakkamn Naickampatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
KAMBILIAMPATTI BO | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kappiliyapatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Lakshmanapuram | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Naruvelapatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Palaniappa Nagar | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Pandiyanur | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Periyakottai | Periyakottai B.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Pudu Avilipatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Thakkidipatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
V.S.Kottai | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vadakkampatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vethikaran Pudur | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
VSK KURUMBAPATTI BO | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Eranchittur | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ermanaickenpatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Gopalpuram | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Govt Hospital (Primary) | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Gurunathapuram | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kvmarpalayam Colony | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Maniakaranpatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Nilapatti Pudur | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Panchyat Union School | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Periyakottai | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
PERIYAKOTTAI BO | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Rajakkapatti | Rajakkapatti B.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Siluvathur | Sadayampatti B.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Thetthampatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vanganmanuthu | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vetnary Hospital | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Akkaraipatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Alagar Anna Nagar | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Andiapuram | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Chitta gOUNDANUR | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Chitta Goundanur | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Eella Kattu Patti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Esu Nagar | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Indira Colony | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kadavakurichi R.F. | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kalarkadu | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kalathuveedu | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kambiliampatti | Kambiliampatti B.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kannima Nagar | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Karuppakovilpatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kasthurainaickenpatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kogugoundanpatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kovilpatti Church | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kuppayur | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kvmorpalayam | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Lingapuram | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Nadupatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Pitchampatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Pudukalingampatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Pugailaipatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
SADAYAMPATTI BO | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Solaipatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Sukkampatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Thanbakvlathupatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vallampatti | Siluvathur S.O | 624306 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
NARASINGAPURAM BO | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Periyapatti | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
West Street | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
A.Vellodu | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
A.Vellodu R.F. | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kallupatti | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Sirunaickenpatti | Sirunaickenpatti B.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Moorthinaickanpatti | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Mottanampatti RLY Gate | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Karatalaganpatti | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Mottanampatti | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Arilanadunagar | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Devalagarpatti | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
NARASINGAPURAM BO | Narasingapuram B.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
SIRINAICKENPATTI BO | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Urumikaranpatti | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Michealnagar | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Pudukulam | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Church Street | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Nadupatti | Vellodu S.O | 624307 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
K.Anna Nagar | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
KANNIAPURAM BO | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kannima Nagar | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Maniyakaranpatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Nalukottam | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Otha Naval Patti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Padugaikattur | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
SAKKILIANKODAI BO | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
T.Elaukariyur | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vaiyatipatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vellaiyanpudur | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Vembarpatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Aadidravidar colony | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
ANJUKULIPATTI BO | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ellapatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Jothampatti | Jothampatti B.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
K.Mettupatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
KANAVAIPATTI BO | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
KANNIYAPURAM BO | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kattaripuram | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kottaikaranpatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Makkanuthupatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Saralai Patti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
T,Paraipatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Aadidiravidar Colony | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ellamma Nagar | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kadukka Patti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kanavaipatti | Kanavoipatti B.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kanavoi Karuppa Koil | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kaverichettipatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Senkulam | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Sokkankulam | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
T.Thalayaripatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
T.VADUKAPATTI BO | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Timmananallur | Thimmanallur B.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ambikai Cotton Mill | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Anjukulipatti | Anjukulipatti B.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Anjukulipatti | Kanniapuram B.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
J.J.Nagar | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
KPS Vidhyalaya | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Mettu Kadai | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Periya Kombai Patti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Semmedu | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
T.Pallapatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
THIMMANALLUR BO | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
V.S.K.Pudur | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Alagar Koil Patti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Anjukulipatti | K.Ayyapatti B.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Channakali Patti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Chenna Kombai Patti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ellama Nagar | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kilavankulam | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kombaipatti | K.Ayyapatti B.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Korasinampatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Krishnapuram | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Perumal Koil Patti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
T.Ramarajapuram | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
T.Vetikaranpudur | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Alagar Koilpatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Anjukulipatti | T.Vadugapatti B.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
JOTHAMPATTI BO | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
K.Kurumbapatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Malai Patti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Poovakilavanpatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Ambika Cotton Mill | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Elukottam | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kalathu Kottam | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Mettukadai | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Silvarpatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
T.Chinniyampatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
T.Manthanayakanpatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
A.Mettupatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
K.AYYAPATTI BO | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Kamarajar Colony | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
KPS Vidiyalaya | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Mamarathupatti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Pappam Patti | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Sakkiliankodai | Sakkiliankodai B.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Solakulatupatty | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Uppusunai | Vembarpatti S.O | 624308 | Dindigul | DINDIGUL | TAMIL NADU |
Money Order Centers within Pin Code 624316
Missing Data
Bank Service
Banks near Pin Code 624316
Hospital and Health Service
Private Hospitals near Pin Code 624316
S..No | Provider.Number | Provider.Name | Address.1 | Address.2 | Address.Area | Pin.Code | STD.Code | Telephone.Number | CITY | STATE | TYPE | GIPSA_NETWORK |
394 | 1073 | K.V.HOSPITAL | 72, B, Dindigil Road, | Palani | 624601 | 4545 | 242830 / 243130 | Palani | Tamil Nadu | HOSPITAL | N | |
1231 | 3270 | RAJARAJESWARI NURSING HOME (P) LTD. | 46, Thiruvalluvar Salai, | Spencer Nagar, | Dindigul | 624003 | 451 | 2422442 TO 2422444 | Dindigul | Tamil Nadu | NURSING HOME | N |
2113 | 9569 | VASAN EYE CARE(DINDIGUL) | 3a/6,Railway Station Road, | Near Ganesh Theatre | 624001 | 451 | 3989000 | Dindigul | Tamil Nadu | HOSPITAL | Y | |
2775 | 14978 | MALAR HOSPITAL (DINDIGUL) | Main Road | Opp. Police Station | Oddanchatram | 624619 | 4553 | 242232 | Dindigul | Tamil Nadu | HOSPITAL | N |
4512 | 59017 | SHREE SATHYA SUBHA HOSPITAL | 53 New Agraharam, | Palani Road, | 624001 | 451 | 2429777 | Dindigul | Tamil Nadu | HOSPITAL | N | |
5193 | 75949 | KANNA HOSPITAL | 13-D, Aarthi Theatre Road, | Ymr Patti, | 624001 | 451 | 6452888 | Dindigul | Tamil Nadu | HOSPITAL | N | |
5470 | 81794 | ARAVIND EYE HOSPITAL. (DINDIGUL) | 31-A, New Agraharam, # 31.A.New Agraharam,,Palani Road Palani Road | 31-A, New Agraharam, | Near Sona Tower | 624001 | 451 | 2448100 2448100, 2448101 | Dindigul | Tamil Nadu | HOSPITAL | N |
Blood Banks near Pin Code 624316
Pincode | Blood.Bank.Name | State | District | City | Address | Contact.No | Mobile |
624612 | Christian Community Health Center and Hospital Blood Bank | Tamil Nadu | DINDIGUL | Ambilikai | Shanthipuram, Ambilikkai, Tamil Nadu | 04553 249050 | 8940487508 |
624001 | St.Joseph Hospital Blood Bank | Tamil Nadu | DINDIGUL | Dindigul | Chennai Theni Highway, Nehruji Nagar | 04512 421130, 04512 426091, 04512 430399 | 9942018383 |
624001 | Dindigul Blood Bank | Tamil Nadu | DINDIGUL | Dindigul | No. 28/2, Veppan thoppu street, Palani Road, Dindigul | 0451 2427143 ext. 2429812 | 9443177063 |
624001 | Government Head quarters Hospital Blood Bank | Tamil Nadu | DINDIGUL | Dindigul | Trichy Road,New bus stand, Opp to North police station | 04511 2424600 | 9443447160 |
624202 | Leonard Hospital Blood Bank | Tamil Nadu | DINDIGUL | Dindigul | SH 155, Arunachalapuram, Batlagundu | 04543 262670 | 099442 60622 |
624601 | Palani Blood Bank (Run by Annai Educational Trust) | Tamil Nadu | DINDIGUL | Dindigul | 49, Dindigal Road, 1st Floor, Opposite to Government Hospital, Dindigul | 04545 245501 | 09150181501, 09842925501 |
624302 | Kasturba Hospital Blood Bank | Tamil Nadu | DINDIGUL | Gandhigram | Gandhigram | 04510 2452328 | N/A |
624619 | Christian Fellowship Hospital Blood Bank | Tamil Nadu | DINDIGUL | Oddanchataram | Dindigul Main Road, Oddanchathram | 04553 241226,04553 241379 | 9994892496 |
624601 | Government Hospital Blood Bank | Tamil Nadu | DINDIGUL | Palani | Dindigul Road, South Anna Nagar, Palani | 04542 248553 | 093446 60502 |
Other Health Facilities near Pin Code 624316
Missing Data
Education Service
CBSE and ICSE Affiliated Schools near Pin Code 624316 (as of April 2019)
System | AffCode | Name | Address | PINcode | State | District_Name | STDcode | Officephone | Officephone2 | Fax |
CBSE | 1900033 | KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA | G.R.U. CAMPUS, GANDHIGRAM, DINDIGUL, TAMILNADU | 624302 | TAMILNADU | DINDIGUL | NA | (0451) 2913565 | 422580 | 499425678 |
Institutions accredited by NAAC near Pin Code 624316 (as of November 2018)
Name | Type | Pincode | Accreditation.valid.up.to | CGPA | Grade |
Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed-to-be-University u/s 3 of the UGC Act, 1956), Dindigul – 624302 (Third Cycle) | University | 624302 | 9/15/2021 | 3.20 | A |
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,Abishekapatti,Tirunelveli – 627012 (Third Cycle) | University | 627012 | 8/15/2023 | 3.13 | A |
Mother Teresa Women’s University,Kodaikanal, 624101 (Second Cycle) | University | 624101 | 3/2/2020 | 2.80 | B |
Arul Anandar College (Autonomous), Karumathur, Madurai Dist, 625514 (Third Cycle) | College | 625514 | 2/20/2021 | 3.66 | A |
National College, Dindigul Road, Karmandapam, Tiruchirapalli – 620001 (Third Cycle) 7 Years Validity |
College | 620001 | 11/4/2023 | 3.61 | A+ |
Vivekananda College, Tiruvedakam West, Madurai – 625234 (Third Cycle) | College | 625234 | 9/13/2022 | 3.59 | A |
Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, 620017 (Third Cycle) | College | 620017 | 3/2/2022 | 3.58 | A |
K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli – 621112 (First Cycle) | College | 621112 | 11/4/2021 | 3.54 | A+ |
E. M. Gopalakrishna Kone Yadava Women’s College, Thiruppalai, Madurai – 625014 (Third Cycle) | College | 625014 | 1/22/2022 | 3.51 | A+ |
The American College, Madurai – 625002 (Second Cycle) | College | 625002 | 3/16/2021 | 3.46 | A |
Cauvery College for Women, Annamalai Nagar, Tiruchirappalli – 620018 (Third Cycle) | College | 620018 | 5/1/2022 | 3.41 | A |
Sadakatullah Appa College,Rahmath Nagar, Tirunelveli – 627011 (Third Cycle) | College | 627011 | 11/14/2020 | 3.40 | A |
Sri Parasakthi College for Women (Autonomous), Thirunelveli, Tenkasi – 627802 (Third Cycle) | College | 627802 | 11/4/2021 | 3.38 | A |
Sri S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College, Sadayampatty, Sattur, Virudhunagar – 626203 (Third Cycle) | College | 626203 | 7/18/2022 | 3.38 | A |
N.V.K.S.D. College of Education, Attoor (P.O.), Kanyakumari Dist, 629191 (Second Cycle) | College | 629191 | 2/20/2019 | 3.32 | A |
V. O. Chidambaram College, Thoothukudi – 628008 (Third Cycle) | College | 628008 | 9/11/2022 | 3.31 | A |
Pope’s College, Thoothukudi Dist, 628251 (Second Cycle) | College | 628251 | 3/2/2020 | 3.28 | A |
Nadar Mahajana Sangam S. Vellaichamy Nadar College, Nagamalai, Madurai – 625019 (Third Cycle) |
College | 625019 | 10/29/2022 | 3.28 | A |
Shrimati Indira Gandhi College, Tiruchirappalli, 620002 (Third Cycle) | College | 620002 | 4/30/2020 | 3.25 | A |
G. Venkataswamy Naidu College,Kovilpatti – 628502 (Second Cycle) | College | 628502 | 11/14/2020 | 3.21 | A |
Thiruvalluvar College, Vickramasingapuram, Papanasam, Tirunelveli – 627425 (Second Cycle) | College | 627425 | 7/18/2022 | 3.21 | A |
PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Kothandaraman Nagar, Muthanampatti, Dindigul – 624622 (First Cycle) | College | 624622 | 2/21/2022 | 3.17 | A |
Women’s Christian College, Nagercoil – 629001 (Second Cycle) | College | 629001 | 9/15/2021 | 3.16 | A |
The Madura College (Autonomous), Vidya Nagar, Madurai – 625011 (Third Cycle) |
College | 625011 | 10/29/2022 | 3.15 | A |
MEPCO Schlenk Engineering College (Autonomous), Virudhunagar Dist, 626005 (First Cycle) | College | 626005 | 3/2/2020 | 3.14 | A |
Rani Anna Government College for Women, Gandhinagar, Tirunelveli – 627008 (Third Cycle) | College | 627008 | 3/27/2022 | 3.12 | A |
Arulmigu Palaniandavar College of Arts and Culture, Dindigul – 624601 (Second Cycle) | College | 624601 | 3/16/2021 | 3.10 | A |
J.J. College of Arts And Science (Autonomous), Pudukkottai, 622422 (Third Cycle) | College | 622422 | 3/2/2020 | 3.10 | A |
K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli – 621112 (First Cycle) | College | 621112 | 3/28/2021 | 3.10 | A |
Sethu Institute of Technology,Virudhunagar – 626115 (First Cycle) | College | 626115 | 3/16/2021 | 3.10 | A |
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Education, Thuraiyur Road, Perambalur, 621212 Tamil Nadu (Second Cycle) | College | 621212 | 12/9/2019 | 3.05 | A |
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur, 621212 (First Cycle) | College | 621212 | 3/2/2020 | 3.05 | A |
Urumu Dhanalakshmi College Tiruchirappalli 620019 Tamil Nadu (Second Cycle) | College | 620019 | 9/23/2019 | 3.04 | A |
Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar – 626001 (First Cycle) | College | 626001 | 9/13/2020 | 3.03 | A |
Nadar Saraswathi College of Arts & Science, Theni, 625531 (First Cycle) | College | 625531 | 4/30/2020 | 3.02 | A |
Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai – 625009 (First Cycle) | College | 625009 | 3/16/2021 | 3.02 | A |
St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Chunkakkadai, Nagercoil – 629003 (First Cycle) | College | 629003 | 9/11/2022 | 3.02 | A |
Aditanar College of Arts & Science, Thoothukudi, 628216 (Third Cycle) | College | 628216 | 3/2/2020 | 3.01 | A |
Jamal Mohamad College, Tiruchirappalli – 620020 (Third Cycle) | College | 620020 | 5/24/2023 | 3.01 | A |
M.V. Muthiah Government Arts College for Women, Dindigul, 624001 Tamil Nadu (Second Cycle) | College | 624001 | 12/9/2019 | 3.01 | A |
Caussanel College of Arts and Science, Angelo Nagar, Muthupettai, Ramanathapuram – 623523 (First Cycle) | College | 623523 | 1/22/2022 | 3.01 | A |
Periyar E. V. R. College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli – 620023 (Third Cycle) | College | 620023 | 3/27/2022 | 3.01 | A |
Sri Bharathi College of Education, Pudukkottai – 622303 (Second Cycle) | College | 622303 | 9/15/2021 | 3.01 | A |
Sri Sarada College for Women, Tirunelveli – 627011 (Second Cycle) | College | 627011 | 1/22/2022 | 3.01 | A |
Scott Christian College,KP Road, Kanyakumari,Nagercoil – 629003 (Third Cycle) | College | 629003 | 8/15/2023 | 2.95 | B++ |
St. Thomas College of Teacher Education, Krishnarajapuram, Thoothukudi, 628002 (First Cycle) | College | 628002 | 2/20/2019 | 2.90 | B |
Kalai Kaviri College of Fine Arts,No.18, Benwells Road Cantonment,Tiruchirappalli – 620001 (Third Cycle) | College | 620001 | 9/25/2023 | 2.90 | B++ |
Arulmigu Kalasalingam College of Education, Virudhunagar Dist, 626126 (First Cycle) | College | 626126 | 3/2/2020 | 2.87 | B |
St. Jude’s College, Thoothoor, Kanyakumari District, Nagercoil – 629176 (Second Cycle) | College | 629176 | 1/18/2021 | 2.86 | B |
T.D.T.A.D.S. Daniel Rajammal College of Education For Women, Tenkasi (Tk), Tirunelveli Dist, 627805 Tamil Nadu (First Cycle) | College | 627805 | 12/9/2019 | 2.86 | B |
Chennai Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Irungalur, Mannachanallur, Tiruchirappalli – 621105 (First Cycle) |
College | 621105 | 10/29/2022 | 2.86 | B++ |
Cardamom Planter’s Association College, Bodinayakanur, Theni – 625513 (Second Cycle) | College | 625513 | 11/14/2020 | 2.85 | B |
Arulmigu Palaniandavar Arts College for Women,Chinnakalayamputhur,Palani – 624615 (Third Cycle) | College | 624615 | 11/1/2023 | 2.85 | B++ |
National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, Thoothukudi – 628503 (First Cycle, Re-assessment) | College | 628503 | 2/21/2022 | 2.83 | B++ |
Holy Trinity College of Education, Edaicode Post, Kanyakumari Dist, 629152 (First Cycle) | College | 629152 | 2/20/2019 | 2.81 | B |
J. J. College of Education, Pudukkottai – 622422 (Second Cycle) | College | 622422 | 2/18/2021 | 2.81 | B |
Annai Velankanni College, Tholayavattam, Karungal, Kanyakumari – 629157 (First Cycle) | College | 629157 | 12/15/2021 | 2.79 | B++ |
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli – 621215 (First Cycle) | College | 621215 | 9/15/2021 | 2.79 | B++ |
Thiruvalluvar College, Vickramasingapuram, Papanasam, Tirunelveli – 627425 (Second Cycle) | College | 627425 | 1/22/2022 | 2.79 | B++ |
Thanthai Hans Roever College,Elambalur,Perambalur – 621220 (Second Cycle) | College | 621220 | 11/1/2023 | 2.79 | B++ |
Saraswathi Narayanan College, (Autonomous), Perungudi, Madurai – 625022 (Second Cycle) | College | 625022 | 3/16/2021 | 2.78 | B |
Government Arts College for Women, Sathyamoorthy Road, Pudukkottai – 622001 (Third Cycle) | College | 622001 | 9/11/2022 | 2.76 | B++ |
PSN College of Engineering and Technology, Melathediyoor, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli – 627152 (Second Cycle) | College | 627152 | 2/21/2022 | 2.76 | B++ |
Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College of Education, Tiruchendur, Thoothukudi – 628215 (Second Cycle) | College | 628215 | 9/15/2021 | 2.74 | B+ |
The Madurai Diraviyam Thayumanavar Hindu College,Pettai,Tirunelveli – 627010 (Third Cycle) | College | 627010 | 9/25/2023 | 2.73 | B+ |
Sri Paramakalyani College, Alwarkurichi, Tirunelveli Dist, 627412 Tamil Nadu (Second Cycle) | College | 627412 | 12/9/2019 | 2.71 | B |
KEINS College of Education for Women, Dhalapathisamuthiram (Via.), TirunelveliDist, 627101 (First Cycle) | College | 627101 | 2/20/2019 | 2.70 | B |
C.S.I. College of Education, Pasumalai, Madurai, 625004 (First Cycle) | College | 625004 | 2/20/2019 | 2.69 | B |
G.T.N. Arts College, Dindigul, 624005 (First Cycle) | College | 624005 | 3/2/2020 | 2.69 | B |
Peniel Rural College of Education, Natham (T.K), Dindigul, 624405 Tamil Nadu (First Cycle) | College | 624405 | 12/9/2019 | 2.68 | B |
Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science,TVR Nagar, Aruppukottai Road,Madurai – 625022 (Fourth Cycle) | College | 625022 | 11/1/2023 | 2.68 | B+ |
Jayaram College of Engineering and Technology, Thuraiyur (Tk), Trichy, 621014 Tamil Nadu (First Cycle) | College | 621014 | 5/4/2019 | 2.65 | B |
Christian College of Education, Marthandam – 629165 (First Cycle) | College | 629165 | 3/16/2021 | 2.64 | B |
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Education for Women, Perambalur – 621212 (Second Cycle) | College | 621212 | 1/18/2021 | 2.62 | B |
Peace College of Education, Sukkampatty Post, Dindigul, 624709 Tamil Nadu (First Cycle) | College | 624709 | 12/9/2019 | 2.62 | B |
Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College,Pasumalai,Madurai – 625004 (Third Cycle) | College | 625004 | 11/1/2023 | 2.61 | B+ |
Kamaraj College, Thoothukudi – 628003 (Second Cycle) | College | 628003 | 1/18/2021 | 2.60 | B |
Rajalakshmi College of Education, Vagaikulam, Thoothukudi Dist, 628102 Tamil Nadu (First Cycle) | College | 628102 | 12/9/2019 | 2.60 | B |
Mar Ephraem College of Engineering and Technology, Elavuvilai, Marthandam, Kanyakumari – 629171 (First Cycle) | College | 629171 | 9/11/2022 | 2.60 | B+ |
Pioneer Kumaraswamy College, Nagercoil – 629003 (First Cycle) | College | 629003 | 9/15/2021 | 2.60 | B+ |
Sri K. Ramachandra Naidu College of Education, Sankarankoil – 627753 (First Cycle) | College | 627753 | 2/18/2021 | 2.58 | B |
Chendhuran College of Engineering and Technology, Lenavilakku, Pilivalam, Thirumayam, Pudukottai – 622507 (First Cycle) | College | 622507 | 7/18/2022 | 2.56 | B+ |
P.S.R. Engineering College (Autonomous), Sevalpatti, Sivakasi, 626140 Tamil Nadu (First Cycle) | College | 626140 | 12/9/2019 | 2.54 | B |
Thiyagi Dharmakkan Amirtham College of Education, Ramanathapuram – 623135 (First Cycle) | College | 623135 | 5/24/2021 | 2.54 | B |
Immanuel Arasar College of Education, Kanyakumari – 629195 (Second Cycle) | College | 629195 | 11/4/2021 | 2.54 | B+ |
Servite College of Education for Women, Karur – 621313 (Second Cycle) | College | 621313 | 9/15/2021 | 2.52 | B+ |
Vivekananda College,Agasteeswaram,Kanyakumari – 629701 (Second Cycle) | College | 629701 | 11/1/2023 | 2.52 | B+ |
Sri Sathguru Sangeetha Vidyalayam,15A Gokhale Road Tallakulam,Madurai – 625002 (First Cycle) | College | 625002 | 11/1/2023 | 2.51 | B+ |
Kodaikanal Christian College (Autonomous), Kodaikanal, 624104 (First Cycle) | College | 624104 | 3/2/2020 | 2.50 | B |
Oxford Engineering College, Pirattiyur, Trichy, 620009 (First Cycle) | College | 620009 | 2/20/2019 | 2.50 | B |
R. K. Samy College of Education, Ramanathapuram – 623527 (First Cycle) | College | 623527 | 11/14/2020 | 2.49 | B |
Nadar Saraswathi College of Education, Annanji (PO), Theni, 625531 (First Cycle) | College | 625531 | 2/20/2019 | 2.48 | B |
Bapuji Memorial College of Education, Kanyakumari Dist, 629252 (First Cycle) | College | 629252 | 3/2/2020 | 2.46 | B |
Mount Zion College of Engineering & Technology, Pilivalam P.O., Pudukkottai Dist, 622507 | College | 622507 | 12/9/2019 | 2.45 | B |
Government Arts College, Ramanathapuram, Paramakudi – 623707 (Second Cycle) | College | 623707 | 2/18/2021 | 2.44 | B |
Arasan Ganesan College of Preceptors, Sivakasi – 626123 (First Cycle) | College | 626123 | 3/28/2021 | 2.42 | B |
Roever College of Engineering and Technology, Perambalur – 621220 (First Cycle) | College | 621220 | 2/18/2021 | 2.42 | B |
Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi – 628003 (Second Cycle) | College | 628003 | 2/21/2022 | 2.40 | B |
Ambai Arts College, Tirunelveli – 627401 (First Cycle) | College | 627401 | 7/10/2021 | 2.38 | B |
Mangayarkarasi College of Arts & Science For Women, Paravai, Madurai, 625402 (First Cycle) | College | 625402 | 5/4/2019 | 2.38 | B |
S. Veerasamy Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli – 627855 (First Cycle) | College | 627855 | 1/18/2021 | 2.38 | B |
Sri Sundareswari College of Education, Srivilliputtur Taluk, Virudhunagar, Dist, 626141, Tamil Nadu (First Cycle) | College | 626141 | 5/4/2019 | 2.38 | B |
Grace College of Education, Padanthalumoodu, Kanyakumari Dist, 629194 (First Cycle) | College | 629194 | 2/20/2019 | 2.36 | B |
R.P.A. College of Education R.P. Nagar, Mamoottukadai, Viricode P.O., Marthandam Kanyakumari Dist 629165 Tamil Nadu (First Cycle) | College | 629165 | 9/23/2019 | 2.36 | B |
Meenatchi Physical Education College, Thathanur, Udayarpalayam, Ariyalur, Perambalur – 621804 (First Cycle) | College | 621804 | 5/1/2022 | 2.36 | B |
A.S. College of Education, Madurai, 625514 (First Cycle) | College | 625514 | 3/2/2020 | 2.35 | B |
Government Arts College, Tiruchirappalli, 620022 (Second Cycle) | College | 620022 | 2/20/2019 | 2.35 | B |
Meenakshi B.Ed. College, M. Ammapatti Post, Dindigul, 624622 Tamil Nadu (First Cycle) | College | 624622 | 12/9/2019 | 2.32 | B |
Sri Ram Nallamani Yadava College of Education, Tenkasi, Tirunelveli – 627804(First Cycle) | College | 627804 | 9/15/2021 | 2.32 | B |
St. John’s College of Education, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli – 627002 (First Cycle) |
College | 627002 | 9/15/2021 | 2.32 | B |
Annai Meenakshi College of Education,Tirunelveli Dist, 627855 (First Cycle) | College | 627855 | 3/2/2020 | 2.30 | B |
Muqyyath Sha Sirguro Wakf Board College, Madurai – 625020 (Second Cycle) | College | 625020 | 5/24/2021 | 2.30 | B |
Nanjil Catholic College of Arts and Science, Nedumcode, Kaliyakkavilai, Kanyakumari, Nagercoil – 629153 (First Cycle) |
College | 629153 | 10/29/2022 | 2.30 | B |
St. Aloysius College of Education, Royappanpatti, Theni Dist, 625526 Tamil Nadu (First Cycle) | College | 625526 | 12/9/2019 | 2.28 | B |
Mar Chrysostom College of Education, Kirathoor,Kanyakumari Dist, 629181 (First Cycle) | College | 629181 | 2/20/2019 | 2.27 | B |
Sri Vidya College of Education, P. Kumaralingapuram, Virudhunagar, 626005 (First Cycle) | College | 626005 | 2/20/2019 | 2.26 | B |
Syed Hameedha Arts & Science College, Kilakarai, Ramanathapuram Dist, 623806 Tamil Nadu (First Cycle) | College | 623806 | 12/9/2019 | 2.26 | B |
Venkatesvara College of Education Aranthangi Road, Kaikurichi Pudukkottai 622303 Tamil Nadu (First Cycle) | College | 622303 | 9/23/2019 | 2.25 | B |
Sethupathi Government Arts College, Achunthanvayal, Ramanathapuram – 623502 (Second Cycle) | College | 623502 | 5/1/2022 | 2.25 | B |
Menakshi Ramasamy College of Education, Udayarpalayam (Tk), Ariyalur Dist, 621804 (First Cycle) | College | 621804 | 5/4/2019 | 2.23 | B |
Ramakrishnan Chandra College of Education, Cumbum (Via), Theni Dist, 625516 (First Cycle) | College | 625516 | 2/20/2019 | 2.23 | B |
Sakthi College of Education for Women, Dindigul Dist, 624619 (First Cycle) | College | 624619 | 4/30/2020 | 2.23 | B |
U.S.P. College of Education U.S.P Nagar, Kodikurichi, Tenkasi Tirunelveli Dist 627804 Tamil Nadu (First Cycle) | College | 627804 | 9/23/2019 | 2.22 | B |
M. A. M. School of Engineering, Siruganur, Tiruchirappalli – 621105 (First Cycle) | College | 621105 | 2/21/2022 | 2.22 | B |
Puratchi Thalaivar Dr. M.G.R. College of Education, Uchipuli, Ramanathapuram Dist, 623534 (First Cycle) | College | 623534 | 7/9/2019 | 2.21 | B |
M.A.M. College of Education, Siruganur, Tiruchirappalli, 621105 (First Cycle) | College | 621105 | 5/4/2019 | 2.20 | B |
Roever Engineering College, Elambalur, Perambalur, 621212 (First Cycle) | College | 621212 | 5/4/2019 | 2.17 | B |
Shri Balaji College of Education For Women, Ayyankottai (Po.,), Madurai, 625221 (First Cycle) | College | 625221 | 2/20/2019 | 2.15 | B |
Arignar Anna Government Arts College, Tiruchirappalli Dist, 621211 (First Cycle) | College | 621211 | 4/30/2020 | 2.14 | B |
Shanmuganathan Engineering College, Pudukkottai – 622507 (First Cycle) | College | 622507 | 9/15/2021 | 2.13 | B |
Chellammal College of Education, Andipatti, Theni Dist, 625512 Tamil Nadu (First Cycle) | College | 625512 | 7/9/2019 | 2.12 | B |
Imayam College of Education, Thuraiyur, Trichy Dist, 621206 Tamil Nadu (First Cycle) | College | 621206 | 7/9/2019 | 2.10 | B |
Koottalumoodu Arulmigu Bhadreswari Devasthanam College of Education,Kanniyakumari Dist, 629173 (First Cycle) | College | 629173 | 3/2/2020 | 2.10 | B |
Sri Kumara Gurupara Swamigal Arts College,Padmanabhamangalam,Srivaikuntam – 628619 (Third Cycle) | College | 628619 | 11/1/2023 | 2.06 | B |
S. V. I. College of Education, Tiruchirappalli – 620012 (First Cycle) | College | 620012 | 3/28/2021 | 2.02 | B |
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women,,Perambalur – 621212 (Third Cycle) | College | 621212 | 11/1/2023 | 1.99 | C |
Sri Ragavendra College of Education,K. Singarakottai (PO), Dindigul Dist, 624708 (First Cycle) | College | 624708 | 2/20/2019 | 1.96 | C |
Nadar Mahajana Sangam, S. Vellaichamy Nadar College of Education, Nagamalai, Madurai, 625019 (First Cycle) | College | 625019 | 2/20/2019 | 1.88 | C |
Christian College of Education, Perambalur,621212 (First Cycle) | College | 621212 | 3/2/2020 | 1.81 | C |
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