Preet-Vihar is a Sub-District within East District.
State.Name |
District.Name |
Sub.District.Name |
CD.Block.Name |
Houses | |
Population |
Female |
Male |
SC |
ST |
East |
Preet Vihar |
East |
875 |
26.7 |
3530 |
1669 |
1861 |
57 |
0 |
>> Pincode(s) within Sub-District Preet Vihar : 110092
>> Town(s) within and around Sub-District Preet Vihar : DMC(U)
>> Nearest Town(s) having Engineering College : DMC (U)
>> Nearest Town(s) having Medical College: DMC (U)
>> Nearest Town(s) having Management College: NOIDA
>> Location(s) having Cinema Video Hall:
>> Location(s) having Public Library:
>> Location(s) having Public Reading Room: Shamas Pur
>> Location(s) having Sports Club Recreation Center:
>> Location(s) having Sports Field:
>> Location(s) having community center: Shamas Pur
Villages within Sub-District Preet Vihar (Census 2011)
PIN.Code |
Village.Name |
Gram.Panchayat.Name |
Nearest.Town.Name |
Sub.District.Head.Quarter..Name. | | |
Nearest.Statutory.Town..Name. | |
Total.Population.of.Village |
Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Pre.Primary.School..Nursery.LKG.UKG. |
Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Middle.School. |
Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Secondary.School. |
Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Senior.Secondary.School. |
Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Arts.and.Science.Degree.College. |
Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Engineering.College. |
Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Medicine.College. |
Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Management.Institute. |
Nearest.Village.Town.Name..Private.School.For.Disabled. |
Dispensary.Doctors.Total.Strength..Numbers. |
Veterinary.Hospital.Para.Medical.Staff.Total.Strength..Numbers. |
Family.Welfare.Centre..Numbers. |
Agricultural.Commodities..First. |
1 |
110092 |
Shamas Pur |
NA |
3 |
3 |
DMC(U) |
0 |
3530 |
NA |
Chilla Saroda Bangar (CT) |
Chilla Saroda Bangar (CT) |
Chilla Saroda Bangar (CT) |
DMC (U) |
DMC (U) |
DMC (U) |
DMC (U) |
0 |
2 |
0 |
NA |
Disclaimer: Data published on this website has been collected from many sources (Govt and Non-Govt). We have made every effort to present these data free of any error. However, we don't claim data to be 100% accurate. Please revalidate before using these data for any R&D. We present India data at Pin code and District level. We have data repository for Census, Villages, Literacy, population, GDP, Schools, University, Hospitals, Forest, Rainfalls and others. Please notify us for any error in data for us to improve in future.