
Kochinda is a Sub-District within Sambalpur District. State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST ODISHA Sambalpur Kochinda Jamankira NA 20408 34461 NA NA NA NA ODISHA Sambalpur Kochinda Kochinda NA 17752 31631 NA NA NA NA >> Pincode(s) within Sub-District Kochinda : 768107, 768214, 768221, 768222 >> Town(s) within and around […]


Govindpur is a Sub-District within Sambalpur District. State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST ODISHA Sambalpur Govindpur Bamra 13890 24699 59141 29725 29416 6764 37065 >> Pincode(s) within Sub-District Govindpur : 768221, 768224 >> Town(s) within and around Sub-District Govindpur : JHARSUGUDA, RAJAGANGAPUR, SUNDARGARH >> Nearest Town(s) having Engineering College : […]


District Sambalpur covers Pin Code 768224 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 768224 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST ODISHA Sambalpur Govindpur Bamra 6360 12740 27821 14131 13690 2944 19944 District's Literacy, Gender Ratio, SC, ST, population etc (Census 2011) District Total.Popu Urban.pct Age.0_6 Growth.Rate Sex.Ratio SC ST […]


District Sambalpur covers Pin Code 768222 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 768222 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST ODISHA Sambalpur Kochinda Kochinda NA 17752 31631 NA NA NA NA ODISHA Sambalpur Kochinda Jamankira NA 8961 13050 NA NA NA NA ODISHA Sambalpur Mahulpalli Kochinda 3115 6635 12141 […]