
Bhiwandi is a Sub-District within Thane District. State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST Maharashtra Thane Bhiwandi Bhiwandi 60211 61938.54 277646 130700 146946 10416 75333 >> Pincode(s) within Sub-District Bhiwandi : 401204, 401206, 401609, 421101, 421301, 421302, 421308, 421311, 421317, 421604, 427302, 429302 >> Town(s) within and around Sub-District Bhiwandi : […]


District Thane covers Pin Code 401206 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 401206 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST Maharashtra Thane Bhiwandi Bhiwandi 1190 1506 5503 2784 2719 225 3156 District's Literacy, Gender Ratio, SC, ST, population etc (Census 2011) District Total.Popu Urban.pct Age.0_6 Growth.Rate Sex.Ratio SC ST […]