Khanpur is a Sub-District within Samastipur District. State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST BIHAR Samastipur Khanpur Khanpur NA 14106.66 195729 NA NA NA NA >> Pincode(s) within Sub-District Khanpur : 845117, 848117, 848210, 848236, 848301 >> Town(s) within and around Sub-District Khanpur : SAMSTIPUR >> Nearest Town(s) having Engineering College […]
District Samastipur covers Pin Code 848117 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 848117 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST BIHAR Samastipur Khanpur Khanpur NA 9683.00 145791 NA NA NA NA BIHAR Samastipur Shivaji Nagar Shivaji Nagar NA 5958.00 96630 NA NA NA NA BIHAR Samastipur Warisnagar Warisnagar 3024 […]
District Samastipur covers Pin Code 845117 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 845117 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST BIHAR Samastipur Khanpur Khanpur 112 57 538 259 279 113 0 District's Literacy, Gender Ratio, SC, ST, population etc (Census 2011) District Total.Popu Urban.pct Age.0_6 Growth.Rate Sex.Ratio SC ST […]