
Arni is a Sub-District within Yavatmal District. State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST Maharashtra Yavatmal Arni Arni 39916 83783.42 161833 79088 82745 15429 27929 >> Pincode(s) within Sub-District Arni : 445103, 445105, 445106, 445109, 445301, 445510 >> Town(s) within and around Sub-District Arni : 0, DIGRAS, GHATANJI, YAVATMAL >> Nearest […]


Babulgaon is a Sub-District within Yavatmal District. State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST Maharashtra Yavatmal Babulgaon Babulgaon 22445 59178.52 88173 43053 45120 11879 16940 >> Pincode(s) within Sub-District Babulgaon : 445001, 445101, 445304 >> Town(s) within and around Sub-District Babulgaon : 0, BABHUGAON, BABHULGAON, BABULGAON, BHABHUGAON, YAVATMAL >> Nearest Town(s) […]


Nandgaon-Khandeshwar is a Sub-District within Amravati District. State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST Maharashtra Amravati Nandgaon-Khandeshwar Nandgaon-Khandeshwar 32514 78978.65 129810 63149 66661 30494 5597 >> Pincode(s) within Sub-District Nandgaon-Khandeshwar : 444701, 444708, 444717, 444904 >> Town(s) within and around Sub-District Nandgaon-Khandeshwar : 0, AMRAVATI, ASMRAVATI, CHANDUR RAILWAY, NANDGAON KHADESHWAR, NANDGAON […]


Lonar is a Sub-District within Buldana District. State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST Maharashtra Buldana Lonar Lonar 28443 64425.61 128935 61780 67155 24702 4973 >> Pincode(s) within Sub-District Lonar : 443202, 443301, 443302, 443303, 443307, 444202, 444303 >> Town(s) within and around Sub-District Lonar : 0, Lonar, Mehkar >> Nearest […]


Bindki is a Sub-District within Fatehpur District. State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST UTTAR PRADESH Fatehpur Bindki Malwan NA 32547.48 213159 NA NA NA NA UTTAR PRADESH Fatehpur Bindki Khajuha NA 32772.03 180939 NA NA NA NA UTTAR PRADESH Fatehpur Bindki Amauli NA 34959.16 158354 NA NA NA NA UTTAR […]


District Yavatmal covers Pin Code 445109 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 445109 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST Maharashtra Yavatmal Yavatmal Yavatmal 4030 11719.68 16199 7960 8239 1374 3115 Maharashtra Yavatmal Ghatanji Ghatanji 2204 7352.34 9086 4410 4676 735 2874 Maharashtra Yavatmal Arni Arni 2125 5510.14 8598 […]


District Yavatmal covers Pin Code 445101 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 445101 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST Maharashtra Yavatmal Babulgaon Babulgaon 19341 52245.34 75577 36842 38735 10167 13553 Maharashtra Yavatmal Kalamb Kalamb 2052 4112.36 7960 3916 4044 969 1243 Maharashtra Yavatmal Zari-Jamani Zari-Jamani 108 1568.00 435 […]


District Amravati covers Pin Code 444708 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 444708 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST Maharashtra Amravati Nandgaon-Khandeshwar Nandgaon-Khandeshwar 12913 28381.02 50958 24739 26219 7904 2489 Maharashtra Amravati Chandur Railway Chandur Railway 2124 5928.28 8267 4024 4243 1765 623 Maharashtra Amravati Dhamangaon Railway Dhamangaon […]


District Buldana covers Pin Code 443302 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 443302 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST Maharashtra Buldana Lonar Lonar 15854 39462.72 72293 34670 37623 14377 4189 Maharashtra Buldana Sindkhed Raja Sindkhed Raja 130 541.13 607 278 329 90 0 District's Literacy, Gender Ratio, SC, […]


District Fatehpur covers Pin Code 212665 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 212665 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST UTTAR PRADESH Fatehpur Bindki Malwan NA 8133.430 55253 NA NA NA NA UTTAR PRADESH Fatehpur Bindki Devmai NA 2777.004 16705 NA NA NA NA UTTAR PRADESH Fatehpur Bindki Amauli […]