District Raichur covers Pin Code 584126 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 584126 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST KARNATAKA Raichur Devadurga Devadurga NA 27636.42 37216 NA NA NA NA District's Literacy, Gender Ratio, SC, ST, population etc (Census 2011) District Total.Popu Urban.pct Age.0_6 Growth.Rate Sex.Ratio SC ST […]


District Koppal, Gadag covers Pin Code 583277 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 583277 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST KARNATAKA Koppal Kushtagi Kushtagi NA 36023.16 60689 NA NA NA NA KARNATAKA Koppal Yelbarga Yelbarga 3424 10047.48 19779 9735 10044 2792 4319 KARNATAKA Gadag Ron Ron 363 1187.50 […]


District Mahbubnagar covers Pin Code 509120 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 509120 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST ANDHRA PRADESH Mahbubnagar Pangal Pangal 11014 22237 50069 23997 26072 8464 4976 ANDHRA PRADESH Mahbubnagar Pebbair Pebbair 3140 3660 14055 6874 7181 2187 578 District's Literacy, Gender Ratio, SC, […]


District Adilabad covers Pin Code 504306 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 504306 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST ANDHRA PRADESH Adilabad Dilawarpur Dilawarpur NA 14837 26094 NA NA NA NA ANDHRA PRADESH Adilabad Sarangapur Sarangapur 1347 2611 5461 2875 2586 1163 191 ANDHRA PRADESH Adilabad Nirmal Nirmal […]


District Rangareddy covers Pin Code 501501 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 501501 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST ANDHRA PRADESH Rangareddy Pargi Pargi NA 21486 60986 NA NA NA NA ANDHRA PRADESH Rangareddy Pudur Pudur NA 17620 35492 NA NA NA NA ANDHRA PRADESH Rangareddy Doma Doma […]


District Ghazipur covers Pin Code 233222 District and Sub-District (Census 2011) for Pin Code 233222 State.Name District.Name Sub.District.Name CD.Block.Name Houses Area.in.Hectares Population Female Male SC ST UTTAR PRADESH Ghazipur Mohammadabad Kasimabad NA 8147.07 84983 NA NA NA NA UTTAR PRADESH Ghazipur Mohammadabad Varachakwar NA 1906.44 15484 NA NA NA NA UTTAR PRADESH Ghazipur Mohammadabad Mohammadabad […]